Bring me my bow of burning gold!

You call out to your mortal slave who, at once, brings you your golden bow. Quickly nocking your arrow you draw and aim at the mysterious figure. Your breathing slows, your vision narrows and you become aware of your heartbeat. Looking up you notice the muzzle flash of the dark figure's gun but it is too late, your fingers relax, your back tension releases and your arrow is loosed. You are suddenly jolted out of Dan-Brown-Novel-territory and into Matrix-special-effects-land. The arrow approaches the bullet, you feel the Gods guiding your arrow straight and true. The camera does that cool circle-y thing. The arrow's head penetrates the relatively small bulbous tip of the bullet as its shaft follows through tearing the fabric of the bullet, separating its two halves forever. Oops... you snap out of pr0n-fiction-land and concentrate on the job *cough* at hand *cough*. The dark figure, impressed by your godly abilities (and body) turns and runs to the safety of the police. Do you...