Amnesty Campus Groups O-Week Report


The academic year for universities around Victoria kicked off at the end of February with most of the major campuses conducting their orientation weeks. This year was particularly exciting because I was able to go to THREE different orientation weeks with RMIT being added to the list along with the usual big two groups – Melbourne and Monash.


RMIT’s orientation day started with me arriving at Bowen lane in a very disoriented state. I was soon joined by the ever energetic Angus Tait and RMIT prez Katherine Stowe to set up their first ever o-week table. I tried as hard as I could to lead by example and show the newbies how to pimp at o-week, although traffic past the table left a bit to be desired. Nevertheless, a fun day was had by all with the RMIT student union supplying food to all the volunteers at tables. Michael Dunbar sported the ever popular “Charlie” the candle suit and clearly had a huge impact on the RMIT student population as a staggering 17 enthusiastic members were recruited.


The next day saw Charlie the candle suit make its way down to Monash University for the second day of its o-week. Although I have attended four Monash o-weeks, this is the first one where I was actually allowed behind the table. A good turnout from its committee ensured that the table was always populated by a sign up, sign petition, take a flyer, take a showbag production line all rounded off by Vice prez Raj in the candle suit shaking the tin. A very well-organised table team ensured that 125 people signed up in all. Monash prez Jessica Ie said “We’re looking forward to a great year with a very enthusiastic membership and an energetic committee”.


Friday rounded off the tour de o-weeks with your trusty reporter returning to his home turf to chat up potential members at the University of Melbourne. This is the fourth o-week at Melbourne I’ve been to and, having warmed up for the last two days, I came to Melbourne with a lot of energy. Although not quite as organised as the Monash table, Melbourne’s one day recruitment drive was conducted with ruthless efficiency with 198 signups on the day, despite my appearance in the candle suit. President Sueng Baek and seasoned campaigner, secretary Lily O’Neill presided over proceedings making sure everything ran smoothly.


A good vibe was felt at all three o-days with many people opening their eyes and minds to amnesty, even if they didn’t sign up. The committees are very committed and energetic and the calendar of events planned for this year will hopefully ensure that member retention will be better than it has been in previous years. This year was certainly one of the best ones in terms of o-weeks that I have been in attendance at.

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