For the record, what is your full name?
Reyon Julian Teava Kay
So, they spelt your name wrong in the official program?
Are you sure you didn't just spell it wrong when you told them?
What did you eat for breakfast today?
How long have you been skating for?
Seeven years
How did you get into this sport?
Through inline hockey, we watched a race event and decided to give it a go
Are there any memorable moments or experiences which changed your skating life?
Umm… Puberty, no don't write that… alcohol, sex, oh… and a few medals
What is your favourite colour?
Candy Blue
Have you ever been slapped in a way which you did not intend?
Umm… what kind of question is that? No
How many world championships have you been to?
Are there any which stand out and why?
Venezuela sucked because I was seek the whole time. France also stands out because it was my first worlds, it was scary
Have you ever ridden in a bobsled?
No, but I'd like to
What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
It's a secret… spewing up down the stairs at a really feency restaurant at my brother's 21st
What is your biggest regret?
I can't think of any
If you could live your life again, would you do anything differently?
I'd do it all again with a s**t load more money
Are you a virgin?
‘Till I'm married
Which character in “The Simpson's” do you most relate to?
If the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do with the time you have left?
Get pussed, theen go for a drive, get lots of speeding tuckets
Do you have any other hobbies or do any sports other than speed skating?
Inline Hockey, Skateboarding, Motorsport and Knitting
Is there anyone, skater or not, sportsperson or not, who you look up to as a role model?
Tiger Woods
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Don't be a fool, wrap your tool
How about the worst?
Any ideas for a life after skating?
Be a bum… I don't know, but I'm never going to stop, I'm going to be a master… one of those sleezy ones
And finally, do you have any questions for me?
Can I play on the computer?
No, well, maybe later. Anything else?
Well, thank you heaps for the interview, and good luck with your racing
Yeah, that's cool, thenks.