Organiser's Welcome

Welcome for coming, and thank you to the third Stand Up For Your Rights comedy night for Amnesty International Australia. On behalf of the SUFYR executive committee, I wish to extend a very warm hug to all of you as a token of my extreme gratitude of your decision to come along tonight to have a laugh and defend human rights. Many long hours have been invested in this night by volunteers and professionals alike proving, once again, that one can never misunderestimate the power of a group of passionate people devoted to a worthy cause.

They say that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. In light of the events of the past weeks, months and years, the echo of that old Chinese proverb has resounded loudly in the darkness that is the world of grave human rights abuses (because that's what echoes do). We so often take our freedom for granted while many others around the world suffer in the silent, lonely darkness of impunity and indifference. Yes, we must certainly all stand up for our rights, but we must also use our freedom to stand up for the rights of others.

Have a fun night. I insist. I realise that there are many wonderful things that one can be doing on a Saturday night in October in Melbourne , but I hope that of all those things, this is the most wonderfullest of those things. It is good to know that in a world like ours, there are organisations like Amnesty International and it is good to know that we've not got no better friends and allies as you folks out there in the audience. I honestly hope that you enjoy yourselves while you are here.


Daniel Yeow
on behalf of the Stand Up For Your Rights executive committee

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