A Thought

I’m seriously thinking about getting myself a digital SLR camera. Why? After seeing all the sights I’ve seen and looking over all the photos I’ve taken of them, I’m realising the shortcomings of my simple point-and-shoot camera. In particular with regard to light-gathering capacity, noise at high ISO settings and the ability to control things like aperture, exposure and other such things that I used to play with back in the day when I used to use my Dad’s old Minolta (film!) SLR.

The two cameras I’m looking at are the Sony α 100 and the Canon digital rebel XTi (also known as the 400D, I think). They are both priced at the entry-level. The Sony has the advantage of having an anti-shake built into the body. Sony bought out Minolta, so old Minolta lenses will also fit on the body although that isn’t a concern as I am eyeing the very shiny Carl Zeiss lenses which are built for the Sony. The Canon has the advantage of being a Canon, one of the leaders in digital SLRs for a long time and consequently having the greatest range of lenses and accessories to choose from. Both have been reviewed well by many many publications dealing with both photography and digital imaging from a computers perspective (computer magazines).

Anyway, I know that many readers of this site know a thing or two about photography and some of you own digital SLR cameras. I’d like to have some thoughts and advice on this. Leave a comment or email me (click “contact me” in the left navigation bar). I’d really appreciate it.

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