A feast for all the senses… Heston Blumenthal is a chef well known amongst those who are into fine dining. His restaurant “The Fat Duck” has won numerous [more...]
Poker – is not at all about luck “The man who said I would rather be lucky than good saw deeply into the world” The line is the first uttered in Woody [more...]
view from above “I might’ve lived my life in a dream, but I swear this is real” ~ R.E.M. (from Leaving New York) New York is a very special place. It [more...]
Eyjafjallajokull – try saying that 10 times in a hurry It has come to my attention that today is Earth Day… or perhaps it was yesterday, or the day before. In [more...]
Let’s say you’re a government minister, and you’ve been tasked with the job of controlling the population. There’s one catch – in the country [more...]
A relatively unknown animated feature from Ireland rocketed into the limelight with an academy award nomination for best animated feature. Although ultimately losing out to [more...]
About a week ago, the speed skating season came to an end with the world allround championships in Heerenveen. Josh Lose skated in those championships and didn’t skate [more...]
Team photo from the world cup in Salt Lake City. L-R: Harry Oosterhuis, Rogina De Jong, Daniel Grieg, Sophie Muir, Joshua Lose, Desly Hill, Marie Walth Perkins, Daniel Yeow [more...]
Neill Blomkamps District 9 is edgy and brilliant The readers of my website who have been following for a long time will know that I have written the occasional film review. [more...]
Team Germany crosses the line despite a fall on the last straight… These olympics continue to surprise and inspire. Most unusual of the aftermath of the preliminaries [more...]
The Canadian women's team on their way to a world record The ladies’ 5000m was without incident nor any significant surprises (which itself is a bit of a surprise [more...]
Elma and Martina have a cuddle after their 5k at a world cup last season Just when I thought this Olympics couldn’t get more unpredictable, the men’s 10,000m [more...]
Bob de Jong The ladies’ 1500m result was, characteristically for the games, a surprise. Inspired by countryman Mark Tuitert’s spectacular win in the 1500m, Ireen [more...]
Despite appearences, this is Kristina Groves just after she WON the 1500m at the Calgary World Cup I’m beginning to think that I may be better off simply putting the [more...]
Chad Hedrick in the final lap of his 1500m in Calgary Canada finally brought home the gold with Christine Nesbitt’s gutsy win the 1000m. The slow ice causing problems [more...]