The famed classical economist Thomas Malthus once said: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. [more...]
Continuing this distraction from the day-to-day ho-hum of questing for world peace comes the second part of my commentary on some particularly memorable photos (for those who [more...]
It is easy to believe that the reason I take photos that people seem to like is because I am constantly loaded up with good photo gear. I’m not going to lie, having [more...]
There is a good reason that our “pale blue dot” is blue, and that is because over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. It is no surprise that [more...]
While browsing the apple movie trailers website, I happened on a fascinating preview for a feature length documentary on, you’ve guessed it, planet Earth. When I saw [more...]
In part 1 of The Earth Debate, it was established that warming was taking place, and that the consequences of warming were not good for humans. I wanted to get those points [more...]
Two posts in two days? Who would’ve thunk it? This July I begin by setting an utterly unsustainable rate of posting. But seriously, don’t expect one of these [more...]
For some inexplicable reason, I seem to get asked a lot about photo gear. Maybe it’s because I occasionally get to play the part of the professional photographer, [more...]
(note: Paul Krugman said more-or-less the same thing as I am about to do so in his NY Times Column this morning) The trouble with the Earth, is that it is our home. Because [more...]
Heerenveen The team has recently moved into our latest, and (hopefully) most permanent accommodation yet – flat oranjewoud. This move has caused me to reflect on my [more...]
Amsterdam Team Totally Awesome, along with the national skeeler squad for the Netherlands spent the day rowing coxed fours in Amsterdam forest. The session was the final [more...]
The new Star Trek film is not a standard Star Trek film. While possessing of a wealth of references to older Star Trek canon, it is not a film which requires any amount of [more...]
Jeff Widener/Associated Press June 4th 1989 is a date that will forever be remembered in infamy in history. It was the day that the Chinese government cracked down violently [more...]