on the 20th of January 2014, I applied for the position of science writer at the “I F*cking Love Science” website. It has been well over a month, and I’ve [more...]
This is a poem I wrote for Worldwatch Institute Europe’s monthly newsletter. The original post can be found here. I have a problem. I’m stuck in a bind; This [more...]
Sophie Muir Sophie Muir recently made history by not only becoming the first Australian long track skater in 16 years, but is also the first ever female long track olympic [more...]
gotta get that white balance right for Christmas… Well what have we here, is it that time of year? oh my, how time, it has flown! so give us a smile, it’s been a [more...]
They met strangely facing one to another, each from each side up the slope, towards the peak racing neither knowing another, nor trying to hide gripped by dizzying height [more...]
My application for photo editor of the Spec… that never made it (note: MB = Managing Board) To MB or not to MB, that is the question, whether ’tis nobler in the [more...]
it is lonely I stare into the belly of the beast column by column, only ribs, no guts a sliver of silver slips ‘tween platforms thunder shakes, rattles, screeches [more...]
I weathered the storm of the previous year and in some good company I was here found to welcome January without a fear My feet finally returned to solid ground from abstract [more...]
This poem was sent to the members of the cuai-board email listserv as a christmas card and may have been influenced by the alcohol that inevitably accompanies christmas [more...]
This poem was emailed to all the students in W4400 Dynamics of Climate Variability and Climate Change in the fall of 2007 during a particularly frustrating late night of [more...]
I felt it was kind of strange being asked to give a speech for Andrew here today, I mean, I’ve only really known him for about two years. C’mon, hands up, who here has [more...]
620-311 Metric Spaces is a third-year mathematics subject at the University of Melbourne taught by Kris Wysocki. The Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) conducts surveys [more...]
This poem was written for the Melbourne University Mathematics and Statistic Society’s magazine, Paradox. It is about an experience that I experienced as a first-year [more...]
My successor as president of the Melbourne University Amnesty International group, Anthony Nicholas, began a fairly regular weekly poetry reading on something human rights [more...]
This poem was delivered to the volunteer crew of the Amnesty International comedy gala “Stand Up For Your Rights” by Daniel Yeow about two hours before curtain, in an [more...]