A recent survey in Australia showed what I believe to be an alarming attitude towards boat people coming to Australia. As many as 60% of Australians want the government to [more...]
The Unemployment Rate of Selected EU Countries (source: Google Public Data) People who religiously adhere to, or defend a doctrine are to be treated with suspicion. Nowhere [more...]
"A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center" someone said, anticipating my query. I watched the live report for a short while, and as I was about to leave (it was about 11 at night) the second plane crashed into the south tower. [more...]
Guns will always be a controversial subject. For the record, I think guns are really cool. I've never owned a gun, and before living briefly in the US have never lived in a culture where gun ownership or use was widespread. [more...]
I’m pretty sure that every kid in Australia learns this at some stage of their schooling, or is supposed to. Some may have forgotten, and many didn’t care enough [more...]
Caesar meets his end There is an Australian election coming up on the 21st of August, which is exactly four weeks away. I am considering becoming involved in some way. You [more...]
Dutch election results by municipality Contrary to popular belief, I don’t like to be nasty to people. While it is certainly true that I have a pugnacious side to my [more...]
The Age newspaper’s online edition has a fairly regular “your say” section in which people can write in with their opinions. I have posted once or twice in [more...]