Find me...

I am sometimes difficult to find. I travel often and much. When I am "home", this is where I am most of the time. Two mobile numbers are provided - they both work and boh phones' batteries are generally in a state of being charged, they both have international roaming enabled. So as long as I'm in a country with decent mobile service, I will probably be able to receive your calls (although it might be expensive). Email, msn or google talk are cheaper albeit less reliable and somewhat less immediate alternatives.

Then again, you could always google me with the search box on the left.

Contact Me

By snail-mail, carrier pigeon or on foot:

(currently moving)

(map indicating where I live)

I also have a telephone...

+31 641 900 747 (Netherlands)

+1 646 705 2861 (USA)

+61 4 13531128 (Australia) out of service

...or via the internet...

Email me!
my email address
This is also my google talk identifier

Add me to your msn (if you want)
(but don't send anything to this account because I never check it)

I am also found on Facebook (my gmail) and Livejournal (user id "largestprime") and skype (same user id as livejournal).