A Party!
You're Invited!
Saturday June 23rd 2007
Theme : "I don't stand out... do I?"
(this is deliberately ambiguous so as to be open to interpretation. If you can't be bothered thinking about it, just wear something red)
2pm onwards
Come and celebrate Nick and Daniel's safe return from their adventures in latin america
(we are also celebrating Nick going to MIT to do a PhD and Daniel going to Columbia to do an MA... and the winter solstice)
Where the place? Not upon the heath, but right here
There will be food... so let me know if you are coming or not.
Bring a friend and a piece of fruit
RSVP by leaving a comment below with your name (or something that I can recognise you by) and approximate arrival time
(this also allows you to see who is and isn't coming so you can arrange to car pool, avoid people etc.)
here are some Frequently Asked Questions