Half time break , 27th March 2007

Hey everyone,

I thought I'd give everyone a break from my atrocious travel writing... "toot toot! the whistle blows for half time, and the train waiting to take me from New York Penn Station to Princeton, New Jersey... etc."

We are exactly halfway along in our 5 month odyssey. It is sometimes difficult to believe that we have been on the trot for two and a half months. It is also sometimes difficult to believe that we have another two and a half months to go.

Two weeks ago I was flying over Angel Falls in a rickety light aircraft, one week ago I was getting a tour of the Stanford University campus, today I went to Princeton University, in a week I will be standing on the equator near Quito, Ecuador and in two weeks, I will probably be sitting in Macchu Picchu. Wow!

I am currently sitting in a stinky youth hostel in upper-west Manhattan after my day trip to Princeton University to have a look around. Since Venezuela, we've been to LA (to see Caltech, though I didn't go on that particular trip), to San Francisco to visit Stanford and UC Berkeley, then we flew to the East coast to Boston, home of Harvard and MIT. After that, we went to New York, then I split with Nick who is going to Princeton for a few days before returning to Boston while I only stayed at Princeton for the day before returning to New York, where I will be for the next few days. I will probably also include Columbia University in my itinerary somewhere.

As always... I will endeavour to keep my website up-to-date
Don't forget to leave some comments.

Although we are technically halfway through our trip, we've still got Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile to go... so we'd better get cracking. Our next major sight is, of course, the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu. Unfortunately, I don't the time (or the money) to visit the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. The more observant of you will have noticed that Columbia has been dropped from this trip. This was mostly due to time constraints and the fact that I will be returning to Columbia later this year to participate in the World Inline Speedskating Championships (yeah, life's tough).

I'm enjoying my little break in the US of A with all its rich western-world trappings (like being able to flush toilet paper). I probably will blow the budget though... especially with all these nice restaurants in New York. Keep an eye on the website for the next week or so because frequent and easy internet access will mean frequent updates. Also, being in New York means that I will have plenty of sights to see to keep me busy. Any suggestions are, of course, most welcome.

I hope everyone is well. Adios

Daniel Yeow