7th July 2007, a day of Parties

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777 started off casually enough, a nice relaxing skate at Westerfolds park... where the ground was slightly wet, so I was somewhat limited speed-wise

Later that morning, I journeyed into the city to attend the birthday celebration of fnoo.

What better place to celebrate such a thing than to have a yum cha at the Shark Fin House in Melbourne.

A marvelous time was had by all... not to mention copious amounts of pork buns and a variety of dumplings.

That afternoon, I hopped in the car and made the trip out to the Dandenongs... for a BBQ. Despite the totally inappropriate weather, we still had ourselves a jolly good time. Here we see Anna cooking some honey soy chicken kebabs... mmmMMMMmmmm

Did I mention that the weather was terrible? Well... the weather was terrible. It was relatively cold and it rained for most of the time that we were there. The BBQ was very useful for keeping the sausages warm as well as or hands.

Marshmallows? But... this is an electric BBQ... no worries, lets just find something that burns... a ha!

That night, it was Shayne and Eva's farewell to Guatemala party. Incidentally, Shayne recently submitted his PhD thesis. He's holding it now.

The title page to his thesis... he wont be holding it for very long.

aaahhhh.... how therapeautic. Burninating the thesis. After five and a half years.... who wouldn't?

Shayne was good to share the love around. We distributed various pages of his thesis and took to a bit of pyromaniacal therapy of our own.

Hmmm... I don't understand any of this... it looks like a witch! (we didn't bother to see if it weighed as much as a duck)

Burn the witch!

...and the last page is consumed by the flames... and there was much rejoycing!

Afterwards, we went inside to dip all sorts of things into a chocolate fountain...

Then we sat arond and read trivial pursuit qestions to each other while watching the footy/tennis/rugby/foreign film on SBS.

Excusing myself early from that little gathering, I went on to my last stop for the day - a LAN party at Han's who lives out in Park Orchards. (yes, it is as far away from civilization as it sounds)

Computers everywhere... and plenty of caffeine and sugar to keep us going into the early hours of the morning.

It wasn't all LANing though... some people occupied themselves with the game of Settlers

...and we even played some 4-player wii action. Han really needs to get a bigger TV so that we can play doubles tennis more easily

The party raged on well into Sunday... and shortly before I departed, there were no small amount of people collapsed on the couch, asleep.


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