Skeletons in the closet... er... cupboard!

You step into the cupboard and close the door. You open it briefly, your situation has not improved, turns out that this is just an ordinary piece of furniture after all. You close the door again, this time it is different. You can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, luckily they stand on the right ends and save you the embarassment of having to reorient your hair follicles. Your hairs seem to be lengthening, before you know it, they've become strings - super strings. You feel helpless as the dimensions multiply around you and you are sucked into a wormhole. Damn worms! Coming out the other side, you squeeze through a very organic-looking orifice which ejects you with some speed. After falling a considerable way, you land in a very large pool of water. The smell is overpowering... what is it?

Eels | Tobacconists | Fairies | Shit