Planning an Ecosan System

The first step is to identify the stakeholders and involve them in the planning process (not only the users but also potential product users such as farmers should be involved). Various options - not only ecosan - should be demonstrated as pilot units in order to support informed decision.

In certain cultures, reusing human waste is not regarded as an option. However, if the benefit of reuse can be demonstrated (economic gain through improved crop production, for example in organic farming), a demand can be created and consequently acceptance for ecosan systems raised.

Both physical conditions, e.g. climate and topography, and cultural aspects need to be considered when setting up an ecosan project. Different cultural and religious beliefs may influence the whole system, including the type of anal cleansing and attitudes towards the use of excreta products.

Besides the selection of a technical option, the planning phase also includes the preparation of an operation and maintenance plan including ways to guarantee financial resources. In the case of ecosan, marketing of the products is an important aspect. The costs of Ecosan latrines may be slightly higher than traditional ones; however, selling of the ecosan products may also be considered as a source of income. In order to select an appropriate system, prepare the detailed design and supervise construction, expert advise should be sought. It is advisable to consult the UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section.