Ecosan Systems - Highland 1 2 3 4

2. The double-vault solar heated toilet in Ecuador

In this case, a recycling toilet system was chosen in an attempt to help the problems of falling soil fertility in the high altitude (3,500-4,000 m) region.

Because of the dry atmosphere in this region there has been no need to develop techniques for urine diversion. After each use a handful of sawdust and/or ash, is added. Each vault is used for 6 months before switching to the other vault. Each vault has a lid made of a wooden frame covered with thin galvanized iron painted black in order to absorb the sun’s energy and assist the dehydration process. The chambers are ventilated by a vent-pipe and the vault lids each include a vent to let air in. The vent-pipe and the lid-vents are covered with metal fly-screen mesh.

The toilets are built from sun-dried mud bricks made on-site, combined with prefabricated wooden elements: seat-riser, lid for the toilet hole, vent-pipe and door.

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